Faire rêver le discours, avec Jean-François Lyotard et Jean-Luc Nancy
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEFaire rêver le discours, avec Jean-François Lyotard et Jean-Luc Nancy
Publication date: 14.12.2015
Cahiers ERTA, 2015, Numéro 8 Narrations, pp. 9-24
Faire rêver le discours, avec Jean-François Lyotard et Jean-Luc Nancy
Figure out Discourse
In one of his major works, Discourse, figure, Jean-Francois Lyotard opens up the space of structured speech, the discourse, to the „figure” as narrative of its becoming that focuses on the endless transformation of formes. The figural space would be active in all coming to presence, int he becoming of any form of thought or object. Such a figural field opens up ontology to the arts. Thinking through the figural implies an artistic approach, that we can find in Jean-Luc Nancy’s fictionnal ontology – his philosophy can be read as representative of this figural approach to thinking, where thought as creation exceeds all created structure of human thinking.
Information: Cahiers ERTA, 2015, Numéro 8 Narrations, pp. 9-24
Article type: Original article
Faire rêver le discours, avec Jean-François Lyotard et Jean-Luc Nancy
Faire rêver le discours, avec Jean-François Lyotard et Jean-Luc Nancy
Université Paris 8
Published at: 14.12.2015
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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FrenchView count: 2258
Number of downloads: 1228