Faculté des Lettres Université de Gdansk

Écrire, c'est lutter contre l'oubli pour se bâtir une identité

Publication date: 12.04.2016

Cahiers ERTA, 2016, Numéro 9 Actes de résistance, pp. 87 - 89



Maria Cristina Batalha
Université de l’État de Rio de Janeiro
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Écrire, c'est lutter contre l'oubli pour se bâtir une identité


To resist is to fight against the Forgetting ; it's to build its own Identity The principal aim of this paper is to examine two novels of the caribbean writter Maryse Condé, Moi, Tituba sorcière noire de Salem and Les derniers rois mages. I will analyse in these how notions of both personal and collective cultural identity are explored so as to overcome the old perception of Négritude and Panafricanism. Many of her novels embrace the idea of searching, her protagonists are often on some type of quest and searching for an authentic homeland. Much of her work revolves around the notion of asking questions, but not necessarily providing answers, and reflecting on the history of her people. On different levels, Condé does not allow her work to be limited by boundaries of any type. That´s her own way to resist.


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Information: Cahiers ERTA, 2016, Numéro 9 Actes de résistance, pp. 87 - 89

Article type: Original article



Écrire, c'est lutter contre l'oubli pour se bâtir une identité

English: To resist is to fight against the Forgetting ; it's to build its own Identity


Université de l’État de Rio de Janeiro

Published at: 12.04.2016

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Maria Cristina Batalha (Author) - 100%

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