Anomalie littéraire: la plume comique d’Hélène du Taillis
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPublication date: 20.12.2023
Cahiers ERTA, 2023, Numéro 36, pp. 45 - 62
Anomalie littéraire: la plume comique d’Hélène du Taillis
When we think of classic comedic novels, the names of male authors such as Rabelais, Cervantes, or Scarron often come to mind. However, the contributions of women writers to this genre have been overlooked as literary anomalies. Hélène du Taillis (1873-1961), a French journalist and writer, is a literary anomaly in the history of early 20th-century French literature. She wrote not one but two successful and critically acclaimed comedic novels, "Enterrons l’adultère" (1923) and "La Nouvelle Bovary" (1927), at a time when this genre was largely dominated by male writers and considered marginal literature (and still is today). This article aims to examine Taillis's two novels from the perspectives of Hamon and Saint-Gelais on irony and transfictionality. By doing so, highlighting the unique aspects of Taillis's comedic writing, demonstrating that a comical heritage also exists among women writers.
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Flaubert G., Madame Bovary, Paris, Michel Lévy frères éditeurs, 1857.
Hamon P., L’Ironie littéraire. Essai sur les formes de l’écriture oblique, Paris, Hachette Supérieur, 1996.
Saint-Amand D., Le Style potache, Genève, Éditions de La Baconnière, 2019.
Saint-Gelais R., Fictions transfuges. La transfictionnalitéet ses enjeux, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 2011.
Taillis H. du, La Nouvelle Bovary, Paris, Ernest Flammarion, 1923.
Taillis H. du, Enterrons l’adultère !, Paris, Ernest Flammarion, 1927.
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Information: Cahiers ERTA, 2023, Numéro 36, pp. 45 - 62
Article type: Original article
Literary anomaly: The comedic style of Hélène du Taillis
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Published at: 20.12.2023
Received at: 24.04.2023
Accepted at: 19.09.2023
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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