Faculté des Lettres Université de Gdansk

Ada : Un graffiti mural du sang dans Histoire d’Awu de Justine Mintsa

Publication date: 30.06.2018

Cahiers ERTA, 2018, Numéro 14 La terre, le territoire, la carte, pp. 37 - 53



Honorine B. Mbala-Nkanga
Chercheur indépendant
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Ada : Un graffiti mural du sang dans Histoire d’Awu de Justine Mintsa


Ada is a 12 year‐old girl who has been impregnated by her teacher in a Middle School where corruption and debauchery are normalized. Mintsa’s esthetics condenses a social criticism of phallocentric discourse through Ada’s grandfather, Afane Obame, a high priest of the Ancestor’s rite called Melan, whose primary focus is to further establish his power. He normalizes Ada’s pregnancy, as tradition dictates, and serves as a receptacle through which Mintsa’s narrative displays a shocking picture of discarded and decomposing placentae along outside walls of the Maternity Ward like graffiti. An allegorical reading of Plato’s Chora, as it relates to Ada’s parturition, opens up a narrative that actualizes the fluidity of a symbiosis between traditional and modern cultural practices. The overlapping imagery of the repulsive wall of decomposing placentae and the symbiotic cultural practices end in a mirror within a mirror graphism with colorful disjunctive syntheses.


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Information: Cahiers ERTA, 2018, Numéro 14 La terre, le territoire, la carte, pp. 37 - 53

Article type: Original article


French: Ada : Un graffiti mural du sang dans Histoire d’Awu de Justine Mintsa

A Wall Graffiti of the Blood in Justine Mintsa’s Histoire d’Awu


Chercheur indépendant

Published at: 30.06.2018

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Honorine B. Mbala-Nkanga (Author) - 100%

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