%0 Journal Article %T Liber primus. Remarks Concerning the Red Book as the Oldest Book of Records of the Town Görlitz (1305–1343) %A Fokt, Krzysztof %J Cracow Studies of Constitutional and Legal History %V Volume 11 (2018) %R 10.4467/20844131KS.18.037.9479 %N Volume 11, Issue 4 %P 425-466 %K Görlitz, town book of records, legal acts, town chancery %@ 2084-4115 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/kshpp/article/liber-primus-anmerkungen-zum-roten-buch-als-dem-ersten-stadtbuch-von-gorlitz-1305-1343 %X The article discusses problems of the rise of the town chancery in Görlitz and the early practices of registration of legal acts, based on the oldest part of the first book of records of the town, the so-called Red Book. The legal acts registered in the book were discussed according to their classification used in medieval Görlitz: all of them were classified as Resignationes, Entscheide, Obligationes, or Recognitiones. Some attention was also devoted to the fragments of the Red Book that could be treated as elements of the governance system of the town, where not only private transactions were noted, but also cases important for the community of townspeople. Several suppositions were also proposed, concerning the earliest period of the development of the town chancery. It was specifically hypothesized, that before 1342, when a new, second town book was created, there should have already existed: 1) some protocols for the Red Book, some book or at least file, where matters later written down in the second town book (1342 ff.) were noted, at least in the 1330’s, 2) some book or at least a file (not preserved until today), similar to the second town book (1342 ff.) and preceeding it, in which records from the 1330s were written down, 3) some documentation of the town council, unknown to us despite the very high grade of preservation of the municipal archives of Görlitz.