%0 Journal Article %T Potential and barriers to the development of small and medium-sized towns on the example of Polish Cittaslow Network %A Szarek-Iwaniuk, Patrycja %J Public Management %V 2019 %R 10.4467/20843968ZP.19.001.9942 %N Issue 1 (45) %P 1-18 %K Cittaslow, small and medium-sized towns, slow life, local development, taxonomic methods %@ 1896-0200 %D 2019 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zarzadzanie-publiczne/article/potencjaly-i-bariery-rozwoju-malych-i-srednich-miast-na-przykladzie-polskiej-krajowej-sieci-miast-cittaslow %X Small and medium-sized towns play an essential role in local development and they are a vital element of the settlement network. They are service centers and places where local economic activity concentrates. In order to strengthen the potential, counteract negative social-economic phenomena,  increase economic activity and achieve common goals, the towns form associations and start co-operation. Cittaslow is one of the examples of such activities. It is an international network that implements the idea of Slow City which concentrates on the improvement in the quality of life, economic development, particular care of the environment and promotion of local products. It operates according to the sustainable development rules. The aim of the research is to classify towns which are members of Polish Cittaslow Network according to their level of development and indicate potential and barriers in the development of the selected settlement units. In the research, a range of factors such as demographic, socio-economic and spatial-functional factors were considered. The diversity research was conducted with the use of mathematical-statistical method and the taxonomy method. As a result, Cittaslow towns were classified into typological groups of various level of development. Moreover, the role of the Cittaslow network in local and regional development was discussed and barriers and potential in the development of towns which especially stand out among Polish Cittaslow Network were indicated. The results showed that Cittaslow towns are marked with a considerable diversification in the level of development and potentials and barriers to development.