%0 Journal Article %T Readability of historic green foundations in post-tsarist barracks in selected cities in north-eastern Poland %A Gawryluk, Dorota %J Technical Transactions %V 2014 %R 10.4467/2353737XCT.14.162.3250 %N Architecture Issue 6 A (11) 2014 %P 43-55 %K Russian barracks, organized greenery in historical barracks %@ 0011-4561 %D 2014 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/czasopismo-techniczne/article/readability-of-historic-green-foundations-in-post-tsarist-barracks-in-selected-cities-in-north-eastern-poland %X At the turn of the 20th century numerous military barracks were built, by order of the tsar, in a number of cities and towns along the western border of Russia, in the Kingdom of Poland. These were characterized by an organised plan and were located close to existing towns. Greenery was a deliberate element of their composition and was further strengthened through deliberate actions in the interwar period by the Polish troops who made use of the barracks. In modern times, much of the historical greenery (avenues of trees, squares in various degrees of preservation, relic gardens) is visible in the structure of towns, which have since grown to incorporate the former barracks