@article{ed7524e8-e15a-4b5f-b900-831903c85527, author = {Michał Kopczyk}, title = {(Nie)nowy Miłosz po słoweńsku}, journal = {Przekładaniec}, volume = {2011}, number = {Issue 25 – Między Miłoszem a Miłoszem}, year = {2012}, issn = {1425-6851}, pages = {308-317},keywords = {Czesław Miłosz; Polish-Slovenian translation; selection of poems}, abstract = {(Not) new Miłosz in Slovenian This paper discusses a selection of Czesław Miłosz’s poetry which was published in Slovenia in 2008. First, it briefly describes the Polish Nobel Prize-winner’s artistic works present in Slovenia. Next, it focuses on their most important translations. The evaluation highlights the selection’s multigenerational character: it compiles most of Miłosz’s poetry translations (made by seven translators) which have appeared over the last three decades. The multifarious techniques and approaches adopted by the translators define the poet’s current image in Slovenia. Last but not least, the article presents Jana Unuk’s essay which closes the selection. Unuk perceives Miłosz primarily as a poet of paradoxes and private experience who constantly returns to the questions of God, religion and eroticism. The popularity of the individual and existential dimensions of Miłosz’s works results from the Polish poet’s peculiar sensibility, which is largely generational.}, doi = {10.4467/16891864PC.12.021.0448}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/przekladaniec/article/nie-nowy-milosz-po-slowensku} }