%0 Journal Article %T Digitalization of Czech Republic Administration and its Effects not Only on Tax Administration %A Kolbenhayerová, Katarína %A Křížová, Tereza %J Financial Law Review %V 2021 %R 10.4467/22996834FLR.21.003.13286 %N Issue 21 (1)/ 2021 %P 31-46 %K MY TAXES, project SONIA, banking identity, digitalization, state administration %D 2021 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/financial-law-review/article/digitalization-of-czech-republic-administration-and-its-effects-not-only-on-tax-administration %X Recently, digitalization has been a frequently used word in various economic fields. We have been able to realize this lately mainly due to the problematic situation brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. People could not personally visit public authorities, banks, the post offices or other institutions and in many cases, it was possible for them to manage their necessary matters. It is quite clear, that Czech public authorities are not 100 % ready to be able to function fully online. However, the Czech Republic is not lax about this and it is preparing further steps to achieve online functioning. The selected current steps of the Czech Republic will be presented in this article. The hypothesis set in the article is that the current status of digitalization of administration in Czech Republic is currently insufficient.