%0 Journal Article %T Integrating processes and socio-economic cohesion of regions – the case of Lithuania %A Wołkonowski, Jarosław %J International Business and Global Economy %V 2018 %R 10.4467/23539496IB.18.041.9414 %N Volume 37 %P 554-567 %K integration process, Lithuania, district, coefficient of variation, beta convergence, sigma convergence %@ 2300-6102 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/ibage/article/procesy-integracyjne-a-spojnosc-spoleczno-gospodarcza-regionow-na-przykladzie-litwy %X The basic goal of European integration is to even out the development level of member states and regions. The aim of the paper is to examine the economic and social cohesion of Lithuania's districts (apskritis) in the period after joining the EU. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: descriptive statistics and analysis of the volatility index and convergence indicators. The survey is based on statistical data of the Department of Statistics of Lithuania and includes such variables as GDP per capita for districts, employment and unemployment rate, FDI per capita, income disparities, and demographic situation. The research shows that for most economic and social indicators the coefficient of variation had an increasing trend, which means worsening cohesion. This was confirmed by studies on beta and sigma convergence, which showed the minimal values of both convergences. These results testify to the erroneous principles of establishing the districts. As of 1 January 2018, Lithuania transformed this structure into two regions: the Capi- tal Region and the Region of Central and Western Lithuania.