%0 Journal Article %T Masculinity and Myth: Therapeutic Readings %A Duda, Maciej %J Wielogłos %V 2018 %R 10.4467/2084395XWI.18.028.10192 %N Issue 3 (37) 2018: Studia nad męskościami: – rozpoznania i relokacje %P 37-56 %K masculinity, psychotherapy, myth, revindication %@ 1897-1962 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/wieloglos/article/meskosc-i-mit-lektury-terapeutyczne %X The article presents an overview of the selected psychoanalitical concepts which concern the problem of masculinity with reference to the mythical model. The author presents and comments on the position of Gunnar Karlsson, Donald Moss, Jean Shinody Bolen, David Tacey and Polish psychotherapists – Karol Furmaniak and Wojciech Eichelberger. The overview of the aforementioned theories indicates that there is need for revindication of the myths which form the cultural models of masculinity. The change should uncover the normativity and oppressiveness of these models.