%0 Journal Article %T Prime Minister Candidates’ Communication Management on Facebook During Parliamentary Elections Campaign 2019 in Poland %A Rajczyk, Robert %J Media Management %V 2021 %R 10.4467/23540214ZM.21.022.13753 %N Volume 9, Issue 3 %P 411-427 %K political communication, political campaign, Facebook, parliamentary elections %D 2021 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zarzadzanie-mediami/article/zarzadzanie-komunikacja-kandydatow-na-premiera-w-serwisie-facebook-w-wyborach-parlamentarnych-w-polsce-w-2019-roku %X The article presents the results of a research, which was carried out in the last month of the parliamentary election campaign in 2019. In this research, the processes of communication conducted by candidates for deputies, Mateusz Morawiecki and Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, representing two rival parties (PiS and KO), were analysed – both candidates were simultaneously appointed as potential presidents of the Council of Ministers. The research was carried out using the qualitative method, taking into account the content of the profiles of both candidates on Facebook. Research results are part of the stream of analyzes, devoted to the importance of social media during election campaigns, as well as in the processes of political communication conducted by politicians.