%0 Journal Article %T „bo ciągle jeszcze potrafię rozsypać cię i pozbierać”. O poezji Romana Honeta %A Honek, Urszula %J Konteksty Kultury %V 2014 %R 10.4467/23531991KK.14.023.2884 %N Volume 11, Issue 4 %P 407-420 %K Roman Honet, loss, melancholy, death, childhood %@ 2083-7658 %D 2014 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/konteksty-kultury/article/bo-ciagle-jeszcze-potrafie-rozsypac-cie-i-pozbierac-o-poezji-romana-honeta %X The article “(…) for I am still able to scatter and collect myself”. On the poetry of Roman Honet is not a compilation of texts written so far on the output of the author of piąte królestwo. Neither is it an attempt at general analysis of his poetry. In this poetry, a significant motif (since the collection „serce”) is loss – it is a point of departure to take up considerations and show how it functions in the poetry of Roman Honet. The author of the sketch focuses mainly on three poem collections: „serce”, baw się… and piąte królestwo. These are author interpretations.