%0 Journal Article %T Religiosity and development of moral reasoning in adolescence %A Czyżowska, Dorota %A Mikołajewska, Kamila %J Developmental Psychology %V 2012 %R 10.4467/20843879PR.12.012.0461 %N Volume 17, Issue 2 %P 55-70 %K adolescence, centrality of religiosity, development of moral reasoning %@ 1895-6297 %D 2012 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/psychologia-rozwojowa/article/religijnosc-a-rozwoj-rozumowania-moralnego-w-okresie-adolescencji %X Religiosity and development of moral reasoning in adolescence The aim of the presented study was to explore the relationship between religiosity and moral development during adolescence. We were interested if the centrality of religiosity (that is, the position of an individual’s religious construct system in personality [Huber, 2003] is related to moral reasoning and decision making in moral dilemmas. It was assumed that the system of religious constructs can function in both heterogeneous or autonomous ways, and we asked if the type of religious motivation is associated with specific features of moral thinking, and thereby with moral development. 112 Polish students (aged 15–18) from Catholic and non-Catholic high schools completed two questionnaires: Polish versions of Huber’s Centrality of Religiosity Scale and the Rest’s Defining Issues Test. The results indicated that there is the relationship between (a) global centrality and second stage (pre-conventional level) and fourth stage (conventional level) of moral development; (b) five dimensions of religiosity and stages of moral development.