%0 Journal Article %T The laser scanning in the digitization process of relictually preserved architectural details %A Łukaszewski, Łukasz %J Technical Transactions %V 2017 %R 10.4467/2353737XCT.17.006.6103 %N Volume 1 Year 2017 (114) %P 79-83 %K cloud points, digitizing, 3D model, relic, reconstruction, laser scanning, virtual cave %@ 0011-4561 %D 2017 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/czasopismo-techniczne/article/the-laser-scanning-in-the-digitization-process-of-relictually-preserved-architectural-details %X Protection of cultural heritage in recent times is of a very important significance. The priority task is to secure the existing facilities in such a way that they can now and in the future serve as a representations of the areas and be a treasure house of knowledge for both current and future generations. Through the development of new technologies and applying them by maintenance staff and those working to protect the national heritage, digitization has become widespread. Photogrammetry and laser scanning proved to be useful tools in a non-invasive process of heritage digitizing. In the article the author describes the process of creating a three-dimensional model of an architectural detail, the model of “acanthus leaf ” which is the final product of the study. The methodology described by the author outlines the problems occurring during the measurement and subsequent data processing stages. The final product is an important database, useful when creating the reconstruction and renovation of similar facilities.