%0 Journal Article %T The role of chronotope in the formation of the myth of the hero in Saladin, an anonymous XVth century text %A Leśniewska, Karolina %J Romanica Cracoviensia %V Volume 9 (2009) %N Volume 9, Issue 1 %P 55-62 %@ 1732-8705 %D 2009 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/romanica-cracoviensia/article/le-role-du-chronotope-dans-la-formation-du-mythe-du-heros-dans-saladin-texte-anonyme-du-xve-siecle %X The article intends to show how only the treatment of time and space in the XVth century novel Saladin influences the mythologization of the hero. The world of Saladin doesn’t seem to have any limits and it revels in the sultan’s extraordinary strength, that only Europe can stop. The geographical situation of this continent evokes the presence of the sea, which constitutes one of the most interesting elements of the novel, although there is no precise description of this element. It gives rise to associations related to the isolation of the hero; the sea will also be chosen as the place of his death. While the space aspect of the novel is very richly illustrated, the time aspect is treated in a quite curt manner. The only exception is the presentation of the time of the sultan’s death, which permits us to take up some questions related with his faith.