%0 Journal Article %T The Mother in Hélène Cixous’s and Pascal Quignard’s Works : Acts of Resistance %A Motard‐Noar, Martine %J Cahiers ERTA %V 2016 %R 10.4467/23538953CE.16.021.6719 %N Numéro 10 Actes de résistance II %P 137-150 %K mother, fragment, language, death, hypertext %@ 2300-4681 %D 2016 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/cahiers-erta/article/la-resistance-en-morceaux-images-de-la-mere-dans-les-ecrits-dhelene-cixous-et-de-pascal-quignard %X Hélène Cixous’s works stand as quite different from Pascal Quignard’s works in their narrative structure. However, both writers try to use their writing to resist the death of the Mother, a figure very much related to language and writing. Quignard’s act of resistance against such disappearance is built as fragmented texts whose dual structure (short text‐blank space) could be considered as both a reenactment of the mother’s death and a protection against it. Cixous’s writing engages in a constant negotiation between dreams, word play, and intertextuality, a structure which she calls a “hypertext”, in order to escape from the inevitable physical loss of the mother. In the end, Quignard’s and Cixous’s texts cut and sew their narrative structure into segments that are none other than acts of resistance.