%0 Journal Article %T Analysis and simulation of advanced technological solutions in the field of power high-voltage direct current (HVDC) of modern aircraft in line with the trend of more electric aircraft (MEA) %A Setlak, Lucjan %A Ruda, Emil %J Technical Transactions %V 2016 %R 10.4467/2353737XCT.16.272.6071 %N Electronical Engineering Issue 3-E 2016 %P 139-150 %K MEA, power supply systems of high voltage DC (HVDC), electrical machines %@ 0011-4561 %D 2016 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/czasopismo-techniczne/article/analysis-and-simulation-of-advanced-technological-solutions-in-the-field-of-power-high-voltage-direct-current-hvdc-of-modern-aircraft-in-line-with-the-trend-of-more-electric-aircraft-mea %X The subject of the paper is to present innovative technological architecture of the power supply system EPS (Electric Power System) in the field of high voltage power HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) by conducting a critical analysis of the literature as well as an analysis and simulation of its selected component in line with the trend of more electric aircraft MEA (More Electric Aircraft). The considered advanced technologies relate to the architecture of the power supply system HVDC in the high voltage 540V DC (±270 V DC) and 350 V DC, used for advanced aircraft in line with the trend of MEA/ AEA, in particular for military aircraft made by Lockheed Martin (F-22 Raptor, the JSF F-35). Based on the above, the simulation of sample components of the system architecture of high voltage power HVDC has been made, selected from the group of military aircraft in the area of more electric aircraft ’More Electric Aircraft’, which is mainly the domain of advanced military aircraft the JSF (Joint Strike Fighter) F-35 and F-22 Raptor. In the final part, the paper presents the main conclusions arising from the analysis and simulation of selected components of HVDC power system architecture in accordance with the concept of a more electric aircraft.