%0 Journal Article %T The use of mobile phones in travel behaviour studies %A Gadziński, Jędrzej %J Transport Geography Papers of Polish Geographical Society %V 2017 %R 10.4467/2543859XPKG.17.019.8025 %N 20 (4) %P 7-19 %K travel behaviour, spatiotemporal trajectories, mobile phones, smartphones, GPS devices, big data %@ 1426-5915 %D 2017 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/pkgkptg/article/wykorzystanie-telefonow-komorkowych-w-badaniach-zachowan-transportowych-ludnosci %X Human travel behaviour is recently one of the most popular research topic in transport geography. Therefore, we could observe increasing interest on new research tools related to their identification such as mobile devices. Despite the widespread popularity of smartphones, there are not many examples of studies in which they have been used on a larger scale. So, the main objectives of the article are: to assess the possibilities and perspectives of the broader use of mobile phones in analyses on human travel behaviour and to identify the main advantages and disadvantages of such research tools. To realize these purposes we implemented a) literature review on the methods used for travel behaviour identification and b) pilot study conducted in Poznań with the use of smartphones and dedicated mobile application. Based on our findings, we could conclude that there is a great potential connected with the use of mobile phone data in transport geography and they can be used in different types of analyses. However, some important barriers of the broader use of smartphones in travel behaviour studies should be also noticed. We could mention technical and organisational problems, sampling issues and challenges related to big data analyses.