%0 Journal Article %T The Examination of the CSR Attitudes of the CEOs among Hungarian SMEs %A Takács, István %A Takács-György, Katalin %J Public Management %V 2015 %R 10.4467/20843968ZP.15.018.4331 %N Issue 3 (31) %P 283-297 %K corporate social responsibility, attitude and behaviour of the CEOs, corporate leaders, managers Code: M14, M59 %@ 1896-0200 %D 2015 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zarzadzanie-publiczne/article/the-examination-of-the-csr-attitudes-of-the-ceos-among-hungarian-smes %X It is becoming more and more important for the actors of economy, both in the corporate and public sector, to take into consideration certain social and environmental aspects to be socially respected in their business activities. Nowadays it is a generally accepted fact that corporate decisions have their impacts not only on the immediate environment on the whole society. The CEOs of the companies have significant roles in that. The present study focuses on the CSR attitudes of the CEOs among the Hungarian SMEs based on a survey from 2014. The study introduces those factors that feature and determine the formation of the attitudes. Along the dimensions it can be stated that concerning the CSR attitude of the majority of the leaders of the Hungarian SMEs are beyond the traditional only profit maximization type of thinking. The CEOs in the sample do form a homogenous group. Regarding the CSR attitudes of the examined CEOs, the attitudes can be divided into three clear segments: the traditional, the modern and the neutral.