%0 Journal Article %T Osoby w wieku powyżej 55 lat jako potencjał rozwojowy regionu oraz możliwości jego wykorzystania %A Richert-Kaźmierska, Anita %J Public Management %V 2010 %N Issue 4 (12) %P 71-82 %K intellectual capital, human capital, regional development, elderly people, professional activity. %@ 1896-0200 %D 2010 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zarzadzanie-publiczne/article/osoby-w-wieku-powyzej-55-lat-jako-potencjal-rozwojowy-regionu-oraz-mozliwosci-jego-wykorzystania %X The main issue of the article is the role of intellectual and human capital in the economic development on national and regional level. Author has focused her analysis on potential of elderly people and activities which would support its optimum usage. In the article are presented two problems: increasing participation of elderly people in the whole population, and low level of professional activity among people aged 55 and more in Poland. Author has prepared short review of methods which could be taken up by regional authorities to stimulate the professional activity of elderly people.