%0 Journal Article %T The Jagiellonian University Museum of Pharmacy: Candle Wheel and Apothecary’s tradition of making candles and wax to seal %A Bela, Zbigniew %J Opuscula Musealia %V Volume 24 (2016) %R 10.4467/20843852.OM.16.001.7434 %N Volume 24 %P 9-13 %K museum, pharmacy, wax, wheel, seal, apothecary, manual, dyeing, colours, medicinal, inventory %@ 0239-9989 %D 2017 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/opuscula-musealia/article/the-jagiellonian-university-museum-of-pharmacy-candle-wheel-and-apothecarys-tradition-of-making-candles-and-wax-to-seal %X In the article, a 19th c. device for manufacturing candles, exhibited in the Kraków Museum of Pharmacy, is described. The article discusses also the tradition of producing candles and wax for seals by European apothecaries in the period from 13th to 19th century.