@article{d6155d3b-9ee9-4703-b641-9d03834b4997, author = {Iwona Kowalska, Anna Mokrzycka , Michał Zabdyr-Jamróz}, title = {Health policy in political parties in Poland}, journal = {Public Health and Governance}, volume = {2015}, number = {Volume 13, Issue 1}, year = {2015}, issn = {1731-7398}, pages = {17-26},keywords = {health policy; political elections; political parties; public health; policy programs}, abstract = {Public debate concerning Poles health, accessibility to health care services, long time waiting lists for the most emerging medical services , namely  ontological treatment, as well as many other fundamental health cares system  question, due to the hot period of political elections, became much more visible in last months. Politicians have to tackle such issues  under  Polish citizens  pressure however this particular group influence seams to be underestimated. The complexity of problems, differentiated and multiplicity of health needs, accompanied with very intensive development of medical sciences and technologies on one hand and the economical rationalization on second hand constitute the unavoidable conditions  in the sphere of choices that can not be disregarded. This difficult and politically risky process, strongly dependent on interrelations between different interests groups – with the political parties amongst them – starts at the stage of political programs creation. The article goal is to describe and evaluate particular political parties programs in this sphere, aiming at the possible future scenario concerning dimensions of health policy and public health  in Poland. The paper constitutes an attempt of comparative analysis in the sphere described above, showing the frames of national.}, doi = {10.4467/20842627OZ.15.002.4115}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zdrowie-publiczne-i-zarzadzanie/article/polityka-zdrowotna-w-programach-partii-politycznych-w-polsce-wyborczy-wyscig-po-zdrowie} }