%0 Journal Article %T A Framework for National Public Projects Implementation Systems %A Gasik, Stanisław %J Public Management %V 2014 %R 10.4467/20843968ZP.14.029.2773 %N Issue 4 (28) %P 355-366 %K public administration, project management %@ 1896-0200 %D 2015 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zarzadzanie-publiczne/article/zarys-modelu-krajowych-systemow-realizacji-projektow-publicznych %X Public project management is one of the most important areas of operations of contemporary public government institutions. All investments and many public services are performed as projects. The public projects implementation capability significantly influences national economies development. Up to now there exist no model of national public projects implementation systems. Papers dealing with public projects analyze them from the point of view of single projects or institutions. The article presents the first proposal of defining a framework model of national public projects implementation systems. Such system consists of six interrelated areas: the portfolio management area, the institutions area, the processes and methodologies area, the knowledge management area, the public projects actors area, and the development of national public projects implementation systems. The presented framework is of descriptive type – it was developed as the result of an analysis of solutions in this area performed in over 90 countries.