%0 Journal Article %T Monitoring and Evaluation in the Research on Human Rights Awareness in Schools %A Koba, Laura %J Public Management %V 2012 %R 10.4467/20843968ZP.12.024.0711 %N Issue 3 (19) %P 151-164 %K awareness of human rights, human rights education, monitoring, evaluation %@ 1896-0200 %D 2012 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zarzadzanie-publiczne/article/monitoring-i-ewaluacja-w-badaniach-swiadomosci-praw-czlowieka-w-szkole %X Monitoring and Evaluation in the Research on Human Rights Awareness in Schools The awareness of human rights in Poland leaves a lot to be desired. Poland’s international obligations concerning human rights education should be subject to control. In this connection, monitoring and evaluation could prove very helpful. Within the last twenty years, monitoring has been used many times when rasing the issue of human rights with regard to various fields of life in Poland. At the same time, evaluation has been neglected as a form of control allowing to asses the standards of human rights protection in the country.