@article{c8db564f-b044-4170-9247-cfea0ed0d3e3, author = {Kamil Janowicz, Lucyna Bakiera}, title = {The Levinsonian Dream in Relation to Fatherhood. Research on Students in Novice Phase}, journal = {Developmental Psychology}, volume = {2018}, number = {Volume 23, Issue 4}, year = {2019}, issn = {1895-6297}, pages = {71-90},keywords = {fatherhood; Dream; novice phase}, abstract = {This paper presents a way of conceptualization of the Levinsonian Dream in relation to fatherhood and describes its shape in men at the novice phase in the following aspects: family planning, fatherhood valuing, one’s own preparation to fatherhood, taking part in a child’s life, and the relationship between fatherhood and other men activities. Research based on the author’s own survey concerning the Dream in relation to fatherhood was conducted on a sample of 33 male students aged 22–29. Qualitative and quantitative analysis has shown a substantial differentiation of men in terms of the extension, coherence, order, and realism of the Dream in relation to their future fatherhood. Rarely it constituted the main part of a holistic Dream describing the vision of their adult life, and in most cases it contained elements derived from both traditional and modern models of the father’s role.}, doi = {10.4467/20843879PR.18.023.9952}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/psychologia-rozwojowa/article/levinsonowskie-marzenie-w-odniesieniu-do-ojcostwa-badanie-studentow-w-fazie-nowicjatu} }