%0 Journal Article %T A 2d/3d method of the groundwater flow and stability analysis of a slope with dewatering wells %A Urbański, Aleksander %A Podleś, Krzysztof %J Technical Transactions %V 2018 %R 10.4467/2353737XCT.18.186.9674 %N Volume 12 Year 2018 (115) %P 95-106 %K FEM analysis of groundwater flow, slope stability analysis, dewatering wells %@ 0011-4561 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/czasopismo-techniczne/article/a-2d-3d-method-of-the-groundwater-flow-and-stability-analysis-of-a-slope-with-dewatering-wells %X This paper presents an approximate method for a groundwater flow analysis in the case of a slope with vertical dewatering wells distributed equidistantly. Firstly, a multi-scale problem of flow to a drainage well is solved and flow model to a perforated tube with a filter screen is shown. Secondly, a method of building quasi-3D flow model of a slope with vertical dewatering wells using a technique of overlapped 2D mesh is shown. A short description of the implementation of this 2D/3D flow model for the ZSoil.PC code is given. The results of the described 2D/3D method are compared with a referential 3D analysis giving an acceptable level of agreement. Finally, the 2D/3D method of flow analysis is used in a two-phase (flow + deformation) formulation of a slope stability problem. The comparison of the results of these analyses with fully 3D (referential) analysis, on an example problem provides a very close accurate stability and deformation estimation; however, the computational time used for the 2D/3D analysis is significantly shorter than required by 3D analysis.