@article{c5085837-3bec-40bc-89d9-c999296b7af5, author = {Anna Jończyk}, title = {Głos „Jeremiasza polskiego” w dobie upadku Rzeczypospolitej. Kilka słów o twórczości Jana Pawła Woronicza}, journal = {Konteksty Kultury}, volume = {2012}, number = {Vol. 9}, year = {2012}, issn = {2083-7658}, pages = {44-58},keywords = {}, abstract = {The article concerns the works of Jan Paweł Woronicz (1757–1829). It touches upon the reception of his literary activity by readers who were contemporary to the author.The post-partitions works of the Primate of the Kingdom of Poland were dominated by issues connected with the experience of losing independence by the Republic. The major part of the poet’s main works, i.e. Zjawienie Emilki, Świątynia Sybilli, Assarmot, Lech and Hymn do Boga, constitutes forecasting Poland’s future fate, whose main function is consoling the nation. This issue is a very interesting one to many researchers, who see Woronicz as a precursor of the Polish messianism. In his poem the Preacher expressed his conviction about a special bond between God and Poles. He based this concept on the idea of God’s covenant with His Chosen People. The Poet distinguished himself by his exceptional historical knowledge, which, combined with a perfect knowledge of the Bible and the pagan tradition, contributed to the development of his historiosophic concepts.}, doi = {}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/konteksty-kultury/article/glos-jeremiasza-polskiego-w-dobie-upadku-rzeczypospolitej-kilka-slow-o-tworczosci-jana-pawla-woronicza} }