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Regulation of the Minister of Justice of 22 October 2015 on the State Treasury covering the costs of unpaid legal aid provided by a court-appointed advocate (Journal of Laws of 2015, item 1801, as amended). Regulation of the Minister of Justice of 3 October 2016 on the State Treasury covering the costs of unpaid legal aid provided by a court-appointed advocate (Journal of Laws 2019, item 18, as amended). Regulation of the Minister of Justice of 3 October 2016 on the State Treasury covering the costs of unpaid legal aid provided by a court-appointed attorney-at-law (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 68, as amended). Judgements The Case Law of the Constitutional Tribunal Constitutional Tribunal decision of 18 November 2014, Ts 263/13. Constitutional Tribunal decision of 19 February 1997, U 7/96. Constitutional Tribunal decision of 24 October 2010, SK 10/01. Constitutional Tribunal decision of 29 April 2020, S 1/20. Constitutional Tribunal decision of 4 February 1998, Ts 1/97. Constitutional Tribunal judgement of 15 July 2010, K 63/07. Constitutional Tribunal judgement of 16 June 2008, P 37/07. Constitutional Tribunal judgement of 18 July 2012, K 14/12. Constitutional Tribunal judgement of 19 April 2011, K 19/08. Constitutional Tribunal judgement of 20 October 1998, K 7/98. Constitutional Tribunal judgement of 23 April 2020, SK 66/19 Constitutional Tribunal judgement of 23 April 2020, SK 66/19. Constitutional Tribunal judgement of 23 March 2006, K 4/06. Constitutional Tribunal judgement of 29 August 2006, SK 23/05. Constitutional Tribunal judgement of 5 July 2011, P 14/10. Constitutional Tribunal judgement of 6 May 1998, K 37/97. Constitutional Tribunal ruling of 12 December 1994, K 3/94. Constitutional Tribunal ruling of 9 March 1988, U 7/87. The Case Law of the Supreme Court and other courts Judgement of the District Court in Szczecin of 31 March 2021, IV Ka 85/21. Judgement of the District Court in Zielona Góra of 14 July 2020, IV Pa 42/20. Supreme Court decision of 13 July 2020, IV CSK 746/19. Supreme Court decision of 15 December 2020, I CSK 438/20. Supreme Court decision of 15 November 2020, V CSK 71/20. Supreme Court decision of 15 September 2020, IV CSK 159/20. Supreme Court decision of 23 July 2020, III CZ 18/20. Supreme Court decision of 30 June 2020, V CZ 87/19. Supreme Court decision of 30 November 2020, IV CSK 375/20. Supreme Court decision of 30 November 2020, V CNP 15/20. Supreme Court decision of 7 January 2020, I CSK 598/20. Supreme Court judgement of 17 March 2016, V CSK 377/15. Supreme Court judgement of 20 February 2018, V CSK 230/17. Supreme Court judgement of 25 June 2020, I NO 37/20. Supreme Court judgement of 26 September 2007, III KK 206/07.