@article{b8d72779-22ba-4157-bf32-8acda87097f5, author = {Grzegorz Stunża}, title = {Techno-educational trends and the need to develop future competences. Challenges of participatory education}, journal = {Disability}, volume = {2019}, number = {Issue 36 (2019)}, year = {2019}, issn = {2080-9476}, pages = {82-90},keywords = {participatory culture; participatory education; digital pedagogy; digital literacy; future competences}, abstract = {Techno-educational trends and the need to develop future competences. Challenges of participatory education The article deals with current technological trends in education. It points them out, emphasizing that they function in the context of changes associated with the fourth technological revolution. It draws attention to the importance of reflection on the effects of using new technologies for pedagogy, including special pedagogy. It is also extremely important to design applications of new products and the fact that you cannot think about using them and preparing to use them (and subsequent technologies) without pedagogical reflection. Considering new products through the prism of skills and knowledge, but also of transmitted values. To this end, the author draws on the concept of participatory culture and tries to look again at the possibilities of building an open, dialogical culture focused on the creative participation and cooperation of its participants based on widely available new technologies. The article touches on the topic of future competences, which will be necessary for the development of culture and participatory education as well as for the active use of novelties in education (and more).}, doi = {10.4467/25439561.NP.19.047.12290}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/niepelnosprawnosc/article/trendy-techno-edukacyjne-a-potrzeba-rozwijania-kompetencji-przyszlosci-wyzwania-edukacji-uczestnictwa} }