%0 Journal Article %T The letters of French citizens to primate Glemp from the years 1981–1982 in the collection of the Polish Catholic Mission Archive in France %A Górny, Rafał %J Archival and Historical Review %V 2021 %R 10.4467/2391-890XPAH.21.012.15317 %N Vol. VIII %P 225-264 %K martial law, Solidarity, correspondence, Józef Glemp, Polish Catholic Mission in Paris, Second World War %@ 2391-890X %D 2021 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/przeglad-archiwalno-historyczny/article/wybrane-listy-francuzow-do-prymasa-jozefa-glempa-z-lat-1981-1982-w-zasobie-archiwum-polskiej-misji-katolickiej-we-francji %X The Polish Catholic Mission Archive in Paris is home to fond no. 36: Letters to Polish primate Józef Glemp. It comprises letters sent by French citizens to the Polish Catholic Church dignitary, in which they condemn the introduction of martial law in Poland and express spiritual support for all Poles — brothers and sisters in the Catholic faith. The letter writing campaign was initiated by the Catholic paper “La Croix”, and was an element of a broader manifestation of French support for Poles. Beside template letters based on the text published in “La Croix”, the fond also includes personal messages, expressing an emotional attitude to Poles and to the events taking place in Poland. The paper discusses those letters whose authors reminisce on the Second World War and their experiences in concentration camps. Former French prisoners of war describe their relations with Polish prisoners, emphasizing their heroism and faith in God.