%0 Journal Article %T The issue of obtaining access to official notes of police officers in order to use them as evidence in a civil trial %A Baran, Weronika %J Attorney-at-Law %V 2021 %R 10.4467/23921943RP.21.005.13893 %N 1 (26) %P 121-137 %K police notes, civil trial, public information, access to a document, protection of personal data %@ 2392-1943 %D 2021 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/radca-prawny/article/problematyka-uzyskania-dostepu-do-notatek-sluzbowych-urzedowych-funkcjonariuszy-policji-w-celu-wykorzystania-ich-jako-srodek-dowodowy-w-procesie-cywilnym %X The problem of obtaining access to official notes of police officers is an important practical issue, particularly in a situation where there is a need to use these documents in a civil trial. Such a document may constitute essential means of evidence in a civil trial, confirming the facts presented by a party to the proceedings. In practice, however, police officers do not always automatically provide access to the documents in question at the request of a party; therefore, the purpose of this article is to analyze the provisions under which a party may request access to such documents. The article examines the standpoint of the judicature, which indicates whether police officers are obliged to provide access to such documents to a party or third parties and whether such an action is consistent with the provisions of the GDPR as regards the protection of personal data.