%0 Journal Article %T Resistance to the Extermination: War Poetry by Bruno Durocher %A Bodzińska-Bobkowska, Jadwiga %J Cahiers ERTA %V 2016 %R 10.4467/23538953CE.16.018.6716 %N Numéro 10 Actes de résistance II %P 87-97 %K identyty, warmemoirs, Shoah, resistance, concentration camp %@ 2300-4681 %D 2016 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/cahiers-erta/article/devenir-durocher-ou-resister-a-lextermination-dans-et-par-lecriture-la-poesie-concentrationnaire-de-bronislaw-kaminski-bruno-durocher %X Bruno Durocher, born in Cracow as Bronislaw Kaminski, is rather unknown as a poet. His book of poems Le bras de l’homme, written in Mauthausen concentration camp, where the poet spent six years of war, reveal his traumatic experience of the Shoah. What Durocher asks about in this work is human resistance to the inhuman conditions: resistance of the body and of the soul. The paper attempts to analyse Durocher’s work and compare its two versions: French and Polish, focusing on the means Durocher uses to describe Nazi concentration camp universe and using notion of resistance as methodological tool.