%0 Journal Article %T Students’ Motivational Orientations for Learning and the Retrospective Assessment of Parental Attitudes. Differences Arising from the Gender of the Parent and the Respondent %A Turska, Dorota %A Pisarska, Agnieszka %J Developmental Psychology %V 2017 %R 10.4467/20843879PR.17.022.8068 %N Volume 22, Issue 4 %P 55-73 %K motivational orientations, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, parental attitudes %@ 1895-6297 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/psychologia-rozwojowa/article/orientacje-motywacyjne-studentow-w-uczeniu-sie-a-retrospektywna-ocena-postaw-rodzicielskich-rola-plci-rodzica-i-respondenta %X The starting point for this study was the pattern of relations between the motivational orientations for learning and retrospective assessment of parental attitudes, commonly known in educational psychology. The author’s own independent research programme founded on a critical review of literature was aimed at explaining how these relations differ according to the gender of the parent and the respondent. The author of the study examined 540 male and female students. The outcomes allowed not only for presenting the results of an in-depth analysis of the role that fathers play in children’s education (sons’ in particular) but also for showing how the perceived attitude adopted by autonomous mothers affects the process of shaping the ‘motivational profile’ of a daughter. Moreover, the study also identified parental attitudes typical of the perceiving respondents of either gender and provided insight into the motivational result of heterogeneous types of parents’ involvement within a single dimension, as perceived by both daughters and sons.