%0 Journal Article %T Online Social Networks Based On Decentralized Architecture (DOSN) and improvement of the security and privacy of social media users %A Hendzel, Patrycja %J Media Management %V 2018 %R 10.4467/23540214ZM.18.016.10568 %N Volume 6, Issue 3 %P 221-234 %K OSN, DOSN, decentralization, privacy, security, social media, social networks %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zarzadzanie-mediami/article/internetowe-sieci-spoleczne-oparte-na-zdecentralizowanej-architekturze-dosn-a-poprawa-bezpieczenstwa-i-prywatnosci-uzytkownikow-social-mediow %X OSN (Online Social Networks), and thus “traditional” social media, are characterized by a centralized architecture. Therefore, all user data is stored logically in the servers of the service provider. This leads to many cases of abuse, such as monetization of users’ data, violations of the security and privacy of individuals. The search for alternative solutions combined with the development of information technology has led to the creation of a new type of social media that distinguishes the decentralized structure. DOSN (Decentralized Online Social Networks) are created using P2P technology, a Web-based network or with a Blockchain protocol. Decentralized portals use additional encryption tools and cryptography, so they can ensure better control of users’ privacy and increase their autonomy. The aim of this article is to present DOSN as sites providing better mechanisms to protect the privacy and security of users than social media with centralized architecture.