@article{a1c34383-00e0-48e8-8ba4-e36d0eaf7c69, author = {Józefa Kunicka-Synowiec }, title = {„Ty! co gdzieś tam władniesz w górze!” – motywy religijne w twórczości Maurycego Gosławskiego}, journal = {Konteksty Kultury}, volume = {2012}, number = {Vol. 9}, year = {2012}, issn = {2083-7658}, pages = {59-81},keywords = {}, abstract = {The article concentrates on the works by Maurycy Gosławski undertaking a broadly understood religious subject matter and analyses their various relations with the Judeo-Christian tradition with the Bible in its centre. The author of Podole writes, among others, on the Old Testament flood, God as a stern Judge who punishes the apostates, as well as the theme of the cross of Christ. Typical literary devices include semantic references to a Biblical event, descriptions of situations or characters, occasional quotations, and the new context only slightly modifies the meaning of the referenced images. Gosławski usually writes approvingly on the Christian traditions, does not question any dogmas neither modify the theological message. Heroes of his text undertake polemics with God relatively rarely. The poet-lancer conveys the diagnosis of man and the image of the Almighty shown in the Holy Scripture to his own works – one can state this is literature of kerygmatic assent. However, it is ideological and aesthetical dominants of Romanticism (including Messianic ideas) which influence the final significance of Biblical threads. The poetic devices result in sublimation and positive axiologization of individual elements of the presented world.}, doi = {}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/konteksty-kultury/article/ty-co-gdzies-tam-wladniesz-w-gorze-motywy-religijne-w-tworczosci-maurycego-goslawskiego} }