@article{a0caccb2-8b34-41b6-90f4-b963444e7a55, author = {Katarzyna Eufemia Przybyłowicz, Dorota Jesiołowska, Małgorzata Obara-Gołębiowska, Lidia Antoniak}, title = {Subjective assessment of body weight and eating behavior of women in the reproductive age}, journal = {Public Health and Governance}, volume = {2013}, number = {Volume 11, Issue 3}, year = {2014}, issn = {1731-7398}, pages = {284-291},keywords = {dietary restrictions; emotional overeating; obesity; overweight; pregorexia; procreative age}, abstract = {Subjective assessment of body weight and eating behavior of women in the reproductive age Objective: To investigate the emotional and habitual binge eating and the use of dietary restrictions in relation to the possessed and the expected body weight, physical activity and the willingness to change weight among young women of reproductive age. Material and methods: The study included 332 women aged 18 to 27 (20.6 ±1.4)years who completed the Questionnaire of Eating Behavior of Nina Ogińskiej-Bulik and Leszek Putyński extended to own constructed inquiry form questions relative to body weight, the incidence of weight loss diets, level of physical activity and place of residence. Then women were measured height, weight and body fat. Results: Among women, 63.9% of respondents were dissatisfied with their body shape, and 33.5% were dieting although 1 time. Women with excess body weight compared to the women with normal weight were most dissatisfied with body shape (97.9% vs. 65.1%, p}, doi = {10.4467/20842627OZ.14.023.2162}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zdrowie-publiczne-i-zarzadzanie/article/subiektywna-ocena-masy-ciala-a-zachowania-zywieniowe-kobiet-w-wieku-prokreacyjnym} }