@article{a0ac5834-b5e2-4c59-a8f5-38225315d8fb, author = {Krzysztof Dudek}, title = {Rola norm społeczno-moralnych w zarządzaniu szkołą. Kwestia poszanowania własności intelektualnej w szkole}, journal = {Public Management}, volume = {2009}, number = {Issue 2 (6)}, year = {2009}, issn = {1896-0200}, pages = {123-129},keywords = {intellectual property; educational fraud; school; management}, abstract = {The thesis brings up the importance of the role of the socio-moral norms in the management of education for students’ development. Research about intellectual property (concerning cheating, plagiarism and fraudulent conversion in education) has been carried by the author. The research has been done in a group of students, parents and teachers. The results of the research confirm the issue the in reality.}, doi = {}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zarzadzanie-publiczne/article/rola-norm-spoleczno-moralnych-w-zarzadzaniu-szkola-kwestia-poszanowania-wlasnosci-intelektualnej-w-szkole} }