%0 Journal Article %T Open archives. On presence of state archives in public space in context of assumptions, implementation and results of State Archives Strategy 2010–2020 %A Chojecka, Joanna %J Archeion %V 2019 %R 10.4467/26581264ARC.19.005.11814 %N 120 %P 122-135 %K open archives, activity of state archives, access to archival materials, family archives %@ 0066-6041 %D 2020 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/archeion/article/archiwa-otwarte-o-obecnosci-archiwow-panstwowych-w-przestrzeni-publicznej-w-kontekscie-zalozen-realizacji-i-efektow-strategii-archiwow-panstwowych-na-lata-2010-2020 %X Policy of open access to the fonds, conducted nowadays by the archives, first and foremost allows them to satisfy broad information needs of individuals and communities. Thanks to their unique potential, archives are increasingly able to consciously create social needs, initiate events, influence the community. The principle of public access to archives has become one of the fundamental principles of modern archivistsics. Its assumptions determine the activity of archives, which increasingly often shift the centre of balance of their work from internal work to public. A modern state archive is a space for meetings and people, in which the archives are present in at least three dimensions: real, virtual and emotional. The emotional dimension of archives has a strong impact on their perception and assessment, determines the character of the institution and its image in the society. In order to make 21st century archives organizations that are increasingly aware, perceived positively by the society, they require good management, professional approach and strategic planning in all areas of activity. The archives should consciously aim to be perceived positively by the society, actively participate in current events in local communities, in which they operate, actively joining the events organized by others, not just focusing on their own ideas. The archives are a unique collection of historical sources, connected into a network of state archives; this should make them an attractive partner for many institutions and organizations, for schools and local authorities. Building a positive public image is a real challenge, in a manner of speaking a to be or not to be of the archives and archivists working there. A change regarding their image could make it easier for the archives to operate in face of oncoming challenges. Nonetheless, the need for such a change must be first accepted by the archivists, and they must start the process of change with themselves.