TY - JOUR TI - Risk Management — Legal Obligation or Mechanism to Increase the Efficiency of Management in Higher Education Sector? AU - Łańcuchowska, Malwina TI - Risk Management — Legal Obligation or Mechanism to Increase the Efficiency of Management in Higher Education Sector? AB - The aim of the article is to present the essence of risk, its types and areas characteristic of universities. The author draws attention to the fact that developed a risk management system for this type of organization should be adapted to their specific, to actually serve to increase operational efficiency, and not just completing statutory requirements. The added value of the study is to assess the implementation of risk management systems in selected universities made on the basis of a comparative analysis of published statements on the state of management control.   VL - 2017 IS - Issue 3 (39) PY - 2017 SN - 1896-0200 C1 - 2084-3968 SP - 369 EP - 390 DO - 10.4467/20843968ZP.16.029.7244 UR - https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zarzadzanie-publiczne/article/zarzadzanie-ryzykiem-ustawowy-obowiazek-czy-mechanizm-zwiekszajacy-skutecznosc-zarzadzania-publiczna-szkola-wyzsza KW - risk KW - risk management KW - university KW - public sector KW - new public management