@article{9d1e9fdc-cd9b-47d3-b4fd-798995e83448, author = {Katarzyna Pękacka-Falkowska}, title = {Nathanael Jacob Gerlach and Christian Gabriel Fischer in the Netherlands: A forgotten source for the history of medicine and natural history in the United Provinces of the late 20s of the18th century – part I}, journal = {Modern medicine}, volume = {2020}, number = {Volume 26 (2020) Issue 2}, year = {2020}, issn = {1231-1960}, pages = {161-210},keywords = {history of medicine; history of anatomy; history of surgery; natural history; philosophy of nature; history of education; the Netherlands in the 18th c.; Danzig (Gdańsk); Leiden Amsterdam; peregrinatio academica}, abstract = {In early modern times, numerous inhabitants of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, both townsmen and representatives of the nobility and magnatery, visited the United Provinces. Many of the burghers also studied at the University of Leiden or other Dutch universities and gymnasia. In the autumn of 1727, Nathanael Jacob Gerlach from Gdańsk/Danzig matriculated at the Academia Lugduno-Batava. The Danziger, together with his tutor, Christian Gabriel Fischer, took a few-year educational journey through Western countries. The testimony of their several months’ stay in the Netherlands is the 2nd volume of Fischer’s handwritten Itinerarium. The selection presents those excerpts from the 2nd volume of the diaries which describe people, places and events related to the teaching of medicine and natural history in the 18th century Netherlands. The fi rst part of the paper focuses on Leiden, the second one – on Amsterdam, Haarlem and Utrecht.}, doi = {10.4467/12311960MN.20.016.13358}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/medycyna-nowozytna/article/nathanael-jacob-gerlach-i-christian-gabriel-fischer-w-polnocnych-niderlandach-zapomniane-zrodlo-do-dziejow-medycyny-i-przyrodoznawstwa-w-zjednoczonych-prowincjach-poznych-lat-20-xviii-w-czesc-i} }