%0 Journal Article %T Walking among the books, strolling among the theories, wandering in the critical wilderness %A Pekaniec, Anna %J Wielogłos %V 2014 %R 10.4467/2084395XWI.14.038.2996 %N Issue 3 (21) 2014: Nowe (i stare) światy. Utopie i dystopie w filozofii i literaturze %P 133-146 %K Iwasiów Inga, criticism, history, novel, feminism %@ 1897-1962 %D 2015 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/wieloglos/article/lekturowe-przechadzki-teoretyczne-spacery-krytyczne-bezdroza-o-ksiazce-ingi-iwasiow-granice-politycznosc-prozy-i-dyskursu-kobiet-po-1989-roku %X The main of paper is to show Inga Iwasiów’s ways of understanding how women’s novels (mainly written after 1989) deal with categories such as: women’s writing, theoretical borders, politics of literature. Ideas are shown in both ways: as literary practice and critical concepts. Also under consideration was taken literature of personal document, what made panoramic map of women’s writing more diversified, and furthermore, made interesting proposals of interpretation and reading (both, critical and personal) exquisitely useful and efficient.