@article{9c992006-85cb-4d72-9948-efc6848765e4, author = {Dominika Socha}, title = {Dietary habits shaped by school shops as an expression of health policy for children}, journal = {Public Health and Governance}, volume = {2012}, number = {Volume 10, Issue 3}, year = {2013}, issn = {1731-7398}, pages = {225-237},keywords = {dietary habits; education; health; health programme; nutritional behaviour of children; school shops}, abstract = {The purpose of the article was assessment of food products offered in school shops. The article refers to research conducted in Małopolskie, Świętokrzyskie, Śląskie and Opolskie regions concerning the choice of food products offered to students at school shops and highlights the role of children and youth as the target of nutrition-related social campaigns conducted by public authorities. The article also presents statistical data and concepts describing the implementation of a government programme of supplementing social diet and outlines logistic and organisational problems and difficulties encountered when trying to achieve effective results of such programme. Children and their teachers need health education and the school shop assortments should be monitored.}, doi = {10.4467/20842627OZ.13.024.1172}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zdrowie-publiczne-i-zarzadzanie/article/nawyki-zywieniowe-ksztaltowane-przez-sklepiki-szkolne-jako-wyraz-dzialan-polityki-zdrowotnej-wobec-dzieci} }