%0 Journal Article %T Primary health care of elderly people %A Palka, Małgorzata Monika %J Public Health and Governance %V 2014 %R 10.4467/20842627OZ.14.038.3798 %N Volume 12, Issue 4 %P 358-369 %K Primary care, geriatric population, patient geriatric assessment, health promotion %@ 1731-7398 %D 2015 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zdrowie-publiczne-i-zarzadzanie/article/podstawowa-opieka-zdrowotna-nad-osobami-w-wieku-podeszlym %X Nowadays is need for developing grater system-wide support for managing our geriatric population. Improvement of common geriatric syndromes is important (urinary incontinence, falls, depressive symptoms, high risk medications or functional impairment). The new model of geriatric care is needed.  Does this model should wide connected to primary system? Which aspects of primary geriatrics care are important?  Do primary care doctors prepare for better care of geriatric population? Many of those questions still are not resolved. European Union prepared some instruments for care of older and aging population. Increasing hospitalization rate and out patients visit are a big problem in many health care systems. Out patterns of the look at the older population need change. We need to be preparing for new ideas of geriatric care. The voice of patients and their families is important