%0 Journal Article %T The effect of degree of deformation on forward slip in experimental research on cold longitudinal rolling of flat bars made from en aw-6063 aluminium alloy %A Miłek, Tomasz %J Technical Transactions %V 2018 %R 10.4467/2353737XCT.18.192.9680 %N Volume 12 Year 2018 (115) %P 185-192 %@ 0011-4561 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/czasopismo-techniczne/article/the-effect-of-degree-of-deformation-on-forward-slip-in-experimental-research-on-cold-longitudinal-rolling-of-flat-bars-made-from-en-aw-6063-aluminium-alloy %X The paper presents experimental results that concern cold longitudinal rolling of flat bars made from EN AW-6063 aluminium alloy. The investigations aimed at determining the impact of the degree of deformation of material on the forward slip. The forward slips were calculated from Fink’s, Drezden’s and Vinogradov’s formulae. On the basis of investigations of the cold longitudinal rolling of flat bars made from aluminium EN AW-6063, it was found that the forward slip increases with an increase in degree of deformation of material.