%0 Journal Article %T “The Africa That’s Coming”: A Non-utopian Vision of the Future in Léonora Miano’s Rouge impératrice %A Mrowińska, Agata %J Arts & Cultural Studies Review %V 2021 %R 10.4467/20843860PK.21.036.14356 %N Numer 3 (49) „Powrót futuryzmów” %P 525-538 %K Afrofuturism, Post-colonialism, African identity, Black utopia %@ 1895-975X %D 2021 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/przeglad-kulturoznawczy/article/afryka-ktora-nadchodzi-nie-utopijna-wizja-przyszlosci-w-powiesci-rouge-imperatrice-leonory-miano %X This article seeks to present the way in which the Afrofuturism as a literary genre can be used to reflect on the potential of the African future. In the novel Rouge impératrice, published in 2019, Cameroonian author Léonora Miano introduces a vision of the future united state of Katiopa which enables her to reconsider some present problems and offered socio-political solutions. The image of the possible future of the African states constitutes a clever and innovative analysis of the current political and cultural issues of the African continent, and its possibilities for a stable and peaceful progress. At the same time, Miano tries to stay clear of the category of Black utopia.