%0 Journal Article %T The activities of older people when healthy ageing policy and funding is limited. The institutional and financial dimensions of health promotion for older people in Poland %A Sowada, Christoph %A Kowalska-Bobko, Iwona %A Mokrzycka, Anna %A Domagała, Alicja %A Zabdyr-Jamróz, Michał %A Tambor, Marzena %A Golinowska, Stanisława %J Public Health and Governance %V 2017 %R 10.4467/20842627OZ.17.008.6234 %N Volume 15, Issue 1 %P 69-84 %K Health Promotion for Older People, public health, health expenditures, Poland %@ 1731-7398 %D 2017 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zdrowie-publiczne-i-zarzadzanie/article/the-activities-of-older-people-when-healthy-ageing-policy-and-funding-is-limited-the-institutional-and-financial-dimensions-of-health-promotion-for-older-people-in-poland %X The presented country profile, based on several national reports, legal acts, international databases, scientific articles and pilot research performed with the use of health care sector templates, outlines the major institutional, organisational and financing challenges for health promotion in Poland, and specifically, health promotion for older adults. Despite the numerous legislative and organisational changes in the health care sector since 1989 and the strengthening of the public health institutions in Poland, the country lacks a long-term, sustainable policy perspective in the public health area. The traditionally higher priority attached to curative care than to public health actions is one of the major reasons for the shortcomings of public health policy and the insufficient resources for health promotion and primary prevention in general, and health promotion for older adults specifically. However, there are also many weaknesses at the organisational level. One of the most important is the weak cooperation between the different levels of territorial self-government, the central government and other institutions when undertaking health promotion actions, which results in the development of both under- and overprovision of health promotion interventions for different population groups and at different geographical locations. Few self-government associations try to improve the cooperation and experience exchange in this field. However there is a need for a greater coordination and information exchange concerning plans and financial possibilities as well as for more competent health educators with better communication skills, less bureaucratic burdens, and better financial conditions.