@article{841c45e5-958e-4ef6-885c-7bdc9a955d9d, author = {Joanna Poczobut}, title = {Działania rewitalizacyjne w miasteczkach polskiej krajowej sieci miast Cittasl}, journal = {Public Management}, volume = {2010}, number = {Issue 1-2 (9-10)}, year = {2010}, issn = {1896-0200}, pages = {105-120},keywords = {revitalization; small and medium-sized towns; Cittaslow; network of towns; the Warmia-Masuria Province}, abstract = {The opportunities for urban investment co-funding which emerged in Poland after its accession to the European Union are not taken to a satisfying extent, especially in towns, e.g. those with a population up to 20 000. Despite many difficulties there are attempts to break the deadlock. Such attempts may be found for example in towns of Warmia and Mazury Province whose idea of funding their revitalization programmes – apart from applying for money allocated to Regional Operational Programme (ROP) – has become participation in the Cittaslow international network of cities.}, doi = {}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zarzadzanie-publiczne/article/dzialania-rewitalizacyjne-w-miasteczkach-polskiej-krajowej-sieci-miast-cittasl} }