%0 Journal Article %T Malady Readings. On Monica Ładoń’s Book Choroba jako literatura %A Duda, Maciej %J Wielogłos %V 2019 %R 10.4467/2084395XWI.19.029.11611 %N Issue 4 (42) 2019 %P 133-143 %K malady narratives, metaphor, somatic poetics, Monika Ładoń %@ 1897-1962 %D 2019 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/wieloglos/article/lektury-maladyczne-o-ksiazce-moniki-ladon-choroba-jako-literatura %X This article reviews Choroba jako literatura [Illness as Literature] by Monika Ładoń. Ładoń’s essays establish malady studies in the field of Polish literature. She analyses fictions and autobiographies that cover the experience of disease. The scope of her research spans Polish and European prose of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries (including Thomas Mann, Franz Kafka, Maria Dąbrowska, Anna Kowalska, Jerzy Pilch, Krystyna Kofta, and Grażyna Jagielska). Ładoń’s theoretical perspectives are set by Emil Cioran, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Catherine Malabou, and the duo of Julia Kristeva and Jean Vanier.