%0 Journal Article %T Relations between Hungary and countries of the Central and Eastern European region: collapse and reorganisation, 1918–1925 %A Hajdú, Zoltán %J Wschodnioznawstwo (Eastern Studies) %V 2020 %R 10.4467/20827695WSC.20.004.13332 %N Volume 14 %P 63-79 %K collapse of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, break up Kingdom of Hungary, new neighbours of Hungary, territorial consolidation, League of Nations %@ 2082-7695 %D 2020 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/wschodnioznawstwo/article/relations-between-hungary-and-countries-of-the-central-and-eastern-european-region-collapse-and-reorganisation-1918-1925 %X The First World War caused very deep and fundamental changes in Central and Eastern Europe. The biggest loser of the war was the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Kingdom of Hungary as one of its parts was dissolved in the framework of Trianon Peace Treaty. The new Hungary could retain only 28,6% of the former territory and 36,5% of its former population. After 1920 the League of Nations was planned a new collective European security system. * The research has been implemented with support provided from the National Research Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary (Geopolitical Processes and Imaginaries in Central Europe: States, Borders, Integration and Regional Development: NKFI K 134903). Translated by Katalin Süle.